Our sponsors receive stunning photos of the sanctuary animal(s) they sponsor,created by talented professional photographers like Sarah who donate their time and talent for this effort. Attention all supporters who want their own pet photographed by Sarah: Sarahbeth Photography will donate 15% of the proceeds from your pet's portrait and prints to the sanctuary!
Above are photos of two of the Home for Life cats: on the left is Diablo Bob from Kansas who is feline leukemia positive & on the right, Eddison, one of our senior cats. You probably noticed that the tip of Diablo's of left ear was clipped off; he was trapped as part of a trap-neuter-release effort. All cats neutered and vaccinated thru these programs have their ear tip clipped before they are released so that they can be quickly identified in the future by rescuers as cats already fixed and vaccinated. However, Diablo could not be re-released to his colony because he was leukemia positive and contagious. The rescuers working on the TNR program asked Home for Life to help Diablo so he would not have to be euthanized as he was very friendly and still in good health, with no symptoms of leukemia.
Sarah also blogged about her day at HFL taking all the pet portraits on location. See more of her photos of some of the HFL animals and read about her experience here:
Sarah, thank you for helping the animals at Home for Life and for providing such amazing photos for our sponsors who so generously support the sanctuary!